Paris, in other words the city of love; romance; tragedy. "Love me if you dare", the English version of the French movie "Jeux d'enfants" is one of the most famous romantic movies that the French cinema has proposed us. Sophie and Julien have defined the rules of the game: “able or not able”. They are heading to everything: the best and the worst. Violate all taboos, prohibitions defy, defy all authorities, laugh, hurt expect confessing that they love each other.
Review of love me if you dare
Sarah's review of love me if you is based on three parts. First of all an introduction, then a synopsis and finally a description of the characters.
In her review Sarah use Paris as an attraction for the audience, in order to make it interesting which will create a desire to watch this movie. Furthermore the
terms that Sarah is using are simple. In addition to that the review is well described with specific terms: " The film is a diamond in the rough when it comes to dark comedy.
Yann Samuell has mixed dark comedy and romance into a film both genders can enjoy." , as well as the fact that the author emphasize on the fact that is thanks to her
awesome performance in "Love me if you dare" that Marion Cotillard became very famous .
What I found interesting is that she explained everything well, with a lot of details. It was written in a very concise way. Likewise me and Sarah are
sharing the same point of view. We both loved the movie and she is describing it the way I will describe it. The vocabulary used is simple which that her review
is intended to several types of people.
I will certainly emulate this review inasmuch as I liked her way of making it brief and attractive in the same time and that's one of the main reason that
made me choose this review.
To conclude, This is one of the best french movies. I watched it several times, but I am not sure if the english version is as good as the french one.