Friday, June 22, 2012

Blog post 1

I was going down looking for a good romantic film to criticize my review on and I found One Day's Review on Gimmicky ‘New’ Attempt at an Old-Fashioned Love Story by David Thompson.
In the first paragraph he goes explaining the role of the characters and how they feel about each other the love, the sex, and both. He also acknowledges the two other actors in the film whom he puts a little of attention and says, "two pretty actors with a lot of talent, but quite helpless with any notion." He throws in a little of sarcasm.

In the second paragraph he points out that the film originally came from a novel written by David Nicholls. He shows a little of pathos when he says he is not interested in reading the book also he makes a world connection when he says that people today still have the idea of true love in their head. Towards the end of the paragraph he states his personal opinion and says believing this is kind of stupid.

In the third and fourth paragraph he makes yet another connection to the world by saying if this film did not have the same ending that all novels have of, "made for each other," it would break the traditional class system of a happy ending. Thompson goes on by saying ," hey, it's a movie worth watching."

In the fifth paragraph he makes a comparison of the protagonist's love and struggles to the blue sky and the clouds.  The clouds drifting away like the struggles they have and the bright blue sky of happiness they find together. In the same way he is showing a little of  visual to the audience.
In this same paragraph he reveals the name of the actors and points out their previous work in theaters.
In the end he makes a connection to you and sates it clear and simple by supposing this is something that can happen to anyone, but in this film it happen this way in one day.

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