Friday, August 31, 2012

Speaking of Films . . .

I watched this recently. I had to watch twice in a row - four hours worth of Drive (2011). Have any of you seen it? If I were writing a review, I think I'd absolutely choose this.

I don't love action films, but this gorgeous and violent (perhaps gorgeously violent) nouveau noir film mesmerizes. It also stars Bryan Cranston, who plays the fabled "Walt" in "Breaking Bad" (we learned a bit about Walt in class on Wed.) 

Soundtrack is entrancing, just superb throughout. Most reviews nod to the score and soundtrack, rightfully so.  The film's on Netflix Streaming right now, quite surprisingly. And Paula said there's nothing good on Netflix. Give this one a try. Seriously.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just to clarify I didn't say there was nothing good on Netflix. Me and Netflix go way back believe me we spend a lot of time together. I just merely stated that if B movies is what you like than that is what you'll get if you play rush and roulette with our dear friend Netflix.