***Most readings come from They Say, I Say unless otherwise indicated
*** Page numbers indicated in parentheses and are taken from the second edition of the book
Week 6:
Focus: The Critical Review, Reflection and Workshopping
**We will begin workshopping the rhetorical analysis at the end of the week.
**We’re also beginning our study of the Critical Review.
**As per the announcement, you might decide to write your first reflection on your rhetorical analysis (you have to write two of these over the course of the semester; you choose which papers)
The prompt for the Critical Review, of course.
Begin reading Part 1 of They Say, I Say (as you begin revising, you may find these sections helpful). When you write your reflection, you will need to highlight readings/handouts/lectures that you read/used/found helpful as you draft and revise your papers – I don’t “check” your reading, but I do ask you to reflect thoroughly on the materials you read in preparation for a paper (see prompt for Reflections).
Part 1:
Section 1: “They Say: Starting with What Others Are Saying” (19)
Section 2: “Her Point Is: The Art of Summarizing” (30)
What’s due next week:
- Reflection #1 (again, IF you choose to write a reflection on Paper 1; you may elect to write your first reflective piece on Paper 2): 9/30
- Workshop Responses, Round 1: Sun, 10/06