Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Blog #2 "The Raven"

"The Raven" Movie Review
Director: James McTiegue

Paragraph I
In this paragraph the reviewer presents the film as a gory film and and mentions that his books were the entertainment for gory stuff that we had in the 19th century, he also mentions that it was about time someone made a movie with a copy cat killer like this one.

Paragraph II
Here he compares "The Raven" with the CSI series because it has a similar plot development.

Paragraph III
Right here he is talking about the characters and the director, he is mentioning that John Cusack is a good actor to represent Poe, it also mentions the director James McTiegue and briefly talks about the beautiful Emily Hamilton (Alice Eve) mentioning that how can a character like this come from the author of "The Pit and the Pendulum".

Paragraph IV
In here he talks about the story of the movie in a comical way saying that Detective Fields (Luke Evans) considered Poe as a suspect but rules that out as Emily disappears, then the killer just starts taunting the Police department and starting to demand Poe for new stories for each murder after that he makes a small joke about deadlines, I think he did really good in this paragraph.

Paragraph V
He just gives a brief description of the movie saying that is one of those usual mystery movies with the regular serial killer and stating that Poe old novels can still make a modern stomach "lurch".

I personally think this reviewer "hit the nail on the head", he said everything how it is and for people that haven't seen the movie yet, it is an interesting review and entertaining i recommend it.

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