Friday, July 20, 2012


I chose the following article because the Boy Scouts creep me out and I find it curious that an organization infamous for its link to serial killers has the gall to exclude any one! The Los Angeles Times editorial the Boy Scouts' wrong path comments on the Boy Scouts of America's continuing bigotry. The paper details the group's steady reduction in membership since the early '70s. It does concede that much of this reduction has little to do with the Scouts' policies,but counters that, "it's also true that a sizable number of parents will have nothing to do with an organization they view as bigoted." This commentary concludes with the claim that, "the Boy Scouts will feel increased pressure to become a more tolerant organization. Support from corporations and municipalities might be harder to come by if it doesn't don't change its policies. The organization's marketing logo reads "Prepared. For Life." Unspoken but increasingly obvious are the added words "but only for some." I thoroughly agree with this claim. I think that our increasingly tolerant country will be a whole lot less supportive of archaic groups like the BSA (if these bozos continue with their status quo)

You can check the editorial here -,0,5210542.story

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What???? Jim did the blog two days before it's due?? Hah just kidding! That's crazy though! Always thought those boys were weirdos