Thursday, October 4, 2012

Blog # 3 Rhetorical Analysis

Targeting 'Slutty' Students
Jessica Valenti

To summarize, Jessica Valenti contemplated the whole dress code violation of certain high schools directed towards women. She deeply annotated her view of how the dress code violation should be. She took a real situation from New York's Stuyvesant High School and here, women would be criticized left and right about what they are wearing and why they shouldn't be wearing whatever they are wearing in a insulting manner from their principal. Students from this school felt the need to break the dress code violation whatever way they could purposely on planned days to hopefully make a change for everyone in you could say a strike way.

Characterization: If names aren't mentioned in a writing piece, then they aren't important to what the author's message is conveying. If a name is mentioned, then they are important and have an impact on the story. Here, Jessica mentioned students from Stuyvesant with their name and how they were insulted by the principal. This provides fact, and legitimate reasons for why the dress code violations need to change. Girls from this school are basically being called sluts for their choice of clothing wear when clearly they are not sluts. 

Description: It was clear that the author didn't want the audience to think that she is speaking out of her ass by providing real situations and accuracy. She did so, by adding quotes from students from what the principal had been telling them.

Diction: The author uses a strong choice of words to provide intelligence in the article so that readers will think that whoever is behind the writing is legit and has important things to say.

Imagery: "All I wore was a long-sleeved button-down, which was secured by a navy skirt and accompanied by floral cutout tights" Here you are able to visualize what the student had been wearing that day.

Logic: The author used real live situations from students who have been effected by insults from Stuyvesant's high school to provide legitimacy.

I chose this article because I am fresh out of high school and know what dress code violation is like. At Vista High School the dress code wasn't as strict as the high school mentioned in the story but I know what it is like to be criticized by something I am wearing. I will be able to provide examples from my previous experiences.

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