Monday, October 8, 2012

Blog Post #4 Rhetorical analysis

The article written by Andrew O'Hehir is about the film, Breaking Dawn Part1,  the fourth film of the Twilight Saga. In the begining of the article, Edward Cullen,(a vampire) asks his human bride Bella Swan, "How badly are you hurt?" on the morning after their wedding night. O'Hehir  uses phrases and quotes like this leading the readers to believe that the film borders on being a pornographic movie. Just by his opening quote alone  he implies that Edward and Bella had rough sex on their first night together. O'Hehir captures his readers attention when he describes, "Edwards superhuman and inhuman strength has left Bella's arms and torso covered with bruises and infamously, has shattered the headboard above their bed". The article continues with these kinds of sexual innuendos. The writer's characterization of the main characters and the film itself is not at all flattering. I found the article hard to understand. The vocabulary and articulations used in the article is intended for an audience  with an extensive vocabulary or higher level of education. All in all, the article is a very persuasive one guiding his readers to believe that this film is a soft porn film.

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