Saturday, July 14, 2012

Blog Post #4,0,6684651.story

Summary: Is it becoming more difficult to vote because of regulations, laws, or poll taxes. In the article "Texas poll in Disguise," of the Los Angeles Time contributing authors Bruce Ackerman and Jennifer Nou argue that U.S. Atty. Gen. Eric H. Holder Jr. Had brought up last week that Texas is using the new voting law- of presenting an ID when going to vote- As a poll tax, not only that it is violating the 24th ammendement of, "Any poll tax or other tax," in federal elections. Tha author argue that its another way of excluding the poor from voting, because they have to pay out of pocket to obtain an ID and during this time of crisis it is unfair to not be able to vote because you don't have $22 to pay in order to obtain an ID.

Reaction: I have to say I agree with the authors. Mostly because I am now 22 and I have my ID and license but I remember when I turned 18 and went to get my California ID. The amount I paid then is not as close as what teenagers are paying now. Not only was it difficult to come up with the money (I had to choose between clothes or ID) but the time I had to spent in the DMV office. I find it unfair because not all teenagers are lucky to have $22 in their pocket, sometimes it's how much they have to survive the week. I believe we need to make voting something IMPORTANT to society and if we keep on coming up with more obstacles to do so, the less chances our voice gets heard.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow!!! It's a sad day in America when you can use your gun registration card as a form of ID, but my student ID does not qualify.Or better yet you can't get an ID because it costs too much. I agree with the author and you if we can't get everyone on board with voting then we'll always have problems that aren't spoken for. You have to vote to be heard silence is not the answer!!!!!!!!!!!