Sunday, July 8, 2012

Blogg Post 3. Intro

I decided to do mine on a video that I found on you tube that is very interesting to me. It is a short clip on the O'reilly factor and he had invited a person to come on and talk about how he had signed an anti war document that O'reiily said "Equaled America to terrorism." The Guy on the show had lost his father on 911 in the attack. He did have a bit of a warped view but in this video however O'reilly completely lost his cool and went Rambo on the guest.

-"Weather or not O'reilly had the same views of the guest that he invites on the show, he has to give him the right to talk and state his opinion and views. He cannot just yell, tell the guest to shut up, and cut his mike without even giving him a fair discussion. Now when the host of a show goes out of his way to push and push someone to go onto the show, he should give the person a chance to say what they want to say. O'reilly should of known going into the show that his views would probably not match with the guy, but he should prepair mentally, physiologically, and emotionally to talk about it. Obviously his emotions were not ready or not willing to deal."

1 comment:

Amy Bolaski said...

When you say "do mine", what do you mean? Your intro? If you mean the paper . . . you do realize that the paper is on one of the articles in the BB documents, right? The rhetorical analysis itself cannot be done on a video, obviously, and this blog isn't your thesis (which is the assignment) so I'm guessing this is something else?

***Also, don't know who "PratAttack" is.