Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Sooo true


Shane Hunter Smeaton said...


you know it's funny, I saw this posted all over the CNN comments on the news reports after the shooting happened. That's probably the only place I've seen people go on bigger tangents than the class...Hopefully nobody will come in saying that they're offended, another Daniel Tosh moment. Meh

Unknown said...

Hahaha there's nothing to be offended about! It's the damn truth!!! White people get it easy....

Anonymous said...

It's COMPLETELY true. But in actuality, he really is a sociopath/schizophrenic....

Unknown said...

I wouldn't doubt it. Smart people can be the craziest people out there.

Unknown said...

this is stupid. not personally offended but its retarded. everybody gets a fair trial. when somebody is in a gang they are gang affiliated. if you are a terroist from the middle east and you do something it is an act of terrorism

Unknown said...

Um so if I did this I would be considered a terrorist? Excuse you.

Unknown said...

That's not what I said at all. I said if you ARE a TERRORIST from the middle east and you do something like what happened. It would be an act of terrorism. If you did something like this you would get a fair trial and they will decide your fate. They don't just say Ohh she is a terrorist kill her.

Unknown said...

Isn't it funny when racist generalizations against white people aren't considered racist because th... um.... oh wait it's still just as racist, it's just accepted in our society for some unknown reason.

I'm not actually upset or offended, just pointing out something insane.