Monday, November 18, 2013

Blog post #5

Maryssa Harris

Professor Bolaski

English 100

November 18th, 2013            



1.) The opinion piece I chose to write about was “Woman share their stories of being lied to by crisis pregnancy centers”. This article was published November 15th, 2013 on  This piece stuck out to me because when I have asked for help before I have been told a bias answer, more how they feel about the issue. It is shown in this piece that the CPC (crisis pregnancy center) are lying to woman that are calling for advice. They are told “birth control is a mini abortion every month”, this is so crazy to that these woman are lien to these girls, it is stated in this article that four different CPC counselors are lien. They are putting their personal beliefs into their answers, when you are a CPC you can’t lie to these woman that is not right.

2.) The objectives in this article are these anti- choice counselors are telling lies by saying “The woman would become infertile”, “ they said condoms have holes and birth control causes cancer” or even “  You will get breast cancer if you have an abortion”. None of these are real facts, the counselors are making medical misinformation and antiabortion sermonizing which is misleading them about certain healthcare choices.

3.) The CPC woman are making these lies up because they are anti- abortion and Prolife. The definition is advocate against the practice of abortion, both through seeking legal bans and other means. Modern anti-abortion movements generally began as counter movements in response to the decriminalization and legalization of elective abortion in various countries. These are personal preferences they are using their own personal opinions are someone else’s life. These women could have been raped, and possibly couldn’t think of keeping the baby but then these women that are lying to them. They change their minds because of these lies.

4.) I feel the objective would be  they are collecting the stories of woman who have been lied to by anti- choice crisis pregnancy centers. That is the objective that I can figure out.

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