Sunday, July 8, 2012

Blog Post #3

Katha Pollitt writes an article outlining the outrageous poll indicating that many educated people still believe in Creationism, she cuts this notion down using sarcasm, provocation, emotion, and ethics. The article is aimed at creationists and states that no intelligent mind could possibly believe in intelligent design.


Amy Bolaski said...

"the" outrageous poll suggests a specific poll (but it isn't named here). "Outrageous" is pretty subjective (unless Pollitt uses the word).

When you say she "cuts this notion" down, you literally imply that many educated people DON"T believe in Creationism . . . I think, by notion, you mean a belief in Creationism (but the sentence doesn't actually say that).

Sub "appeal to ethics" for "ethics" (since she's using the rhetorical strategy, not literal ethics).

I'm glad you identify provocation here, as it's definitely an important strategy to acknowledge. Might want to forgo the double "intelligent" in the last sentence. Carry on!

Unknown said...

Master Lucien Kane-

I really just wanted to type your name. But seeing as I'm here, I'll throw in my two cents. I don't mind creationism. Let there be on the seventh day... style creationism. Want answer? Read Bible. I get it. But intelligent design irks me to no end. It masquerades as science, and that's what sticks in my craw, because its a slap in the face to people who have devoted their lives to science. I think religion and science can co-exist as long as everyone stays in their lane. How's that for a rant. Thoughts? Anybody?

Shane Hunter Smeaton said...

I dunno if I have a good opinion on this but my mother is a devout in what has been described as a cult (Hare Krishna), my father is an atheist and my girlfriend comes from a strict Catholic background. Yes, I do believe that they can co-exist but religion is one of those subjects that usually doesn't have room for shades of grey in discussion. On an academic note, I like the stance in the intro but a bit heavy for my taste even though I agree, I can see this blowing in class as another split rant. Also, maybe clarify the "outrageousness" a bit more since it's introduced before your main idea is (hard to discern what your thinking until the end). Keep up the good work!