Sunday, July 1, 2012


I chose Katha Pollitt's article, What's The Matter With Creationism, because the subject blows my mind.

Pollitt wastes little time in her assault on those who hold the belief that God, not science is responsible for life today. She begins her barrage with gaudy poll numbers like, "46 percent of respondents are creationists" and then, she chides us with, "Even 25 percent of Americans with graduate degrees believe dinosaurs and humans romped together before Noah's flood". Finally, the author urges us to explore overwhelming evidence of evolution with the backing of scientific fact and expert opinion, just in case further evidence that evolution must be believed, is necessary.

Logic/Imagery:  " Almost every scientist on earth would have to be engaged in a fraud so complex and extensive it involved every field from archaeology, paleontology, geology and genetics to biology, chemistry and physics. And yet this massive concatenation of lies and delusion is so full of obvious holes that a pastor with a Bible-college degree or a homeschooling parent with no degree at all can see right through it. '  The author emplores the reader to both reason and picture the thought of a grand, scientific conspiracy

Satire:  " The group Answers in Genesis, which runs the Creation Museum, has plans to build a full-size replica of Noah’s Ark as part of its Ark Encounter theme park. If that “recurrent flooding” really gets going, you may wish you’d booked a cabin."  Pollitt mocks the group Answers in Genesis and its belief in Creationism by waxing that the reader may want to book a cabin.

Emotion:  The tone of this article is clear. The author is passionate in her disdain for Creationists

Provocation:    Pollitt elicits a response from the reader in the opening paragraph by asking, "Do you know what the worst thing about the recent Gallup poll on evolution is? 

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