Sunday, July 8, 2012

Well this long weekend got me out of the mood to do schoolwork.. :(

here is what I have...

In his article “How we need to learn to say no to the elderly” author David Frum argues that we must give less to the old in order to save future generations. He uses multiple strategies to bring this issue to light and reveal the consequences to come if we don’t act soon.  


Unknown said...

I'm doing this article too and it is very hard to figure out the strategies only because he moves through several different points, however, you still need to identify some of them to include in your thesis statement. Just choose the ones that are strongest or are used most often that helped me... Good Luck!!!

Amy Bolaski said...

This is pretty clear, and you're on the right track. "Less to the old" is a bit vague, though -- less in terms of financial benefits? You don't have to explain in depth in your thesis, of course, but you do need to state this in a way that at least alludes to what it is we give to the elderly (but shouldn't, according to this guy).

This part is very clear: "reveal the consequences to come if we don’t act soon." Only question -- does the author suggest whatever action is at hand is, literally, something WE must all do (as in citizens, the public?) If so, this works, but if not, "we" won't work. You do need to list the strategies you'll be covering, as Janine points out.