Sunday, November 17, 2013

Blog #5

            I chose to write my opinion piece on White Mayor, Black Wife: NYC Shatters an Image by Jesse Washington 2013November 16. I admire this article. Everything about it is all the more proof of the high rising Love that Sees NO Color. Unveiling what many have wanted and desired, yet retracted for fear of judgment or attack. “The fact that people are able to marry someone outside of their race without feeling as if they are going to have to have any repercussions is a great thing.” “Another milestone is passing in America’s racial journey… A white man with a black wife.” 

            There are words presented in this article from various persons, white men, black women, and interracial. They side with the validity and the optimism of what Love has been able to conquer. But noted in this article is that the fight for love in other races is least in black woman and more delinquent even upon their own race. Statistics indicate as much as 97% of white men are married to white women. “Stung by the sight of so many successful black men choosing white wives.” A sense of personal rejection. "Black and white has been more of a taboo in the eyes of enough people to be a deterrent."

People make racist remarks by the loads to identify still there is hatred. Even shown in hate crimes. Through the hatred and the ache, there are those who prevail but those who are still prejudice. What they see is not of purpose their happiness is not the importance at hand. They are still stuck in the "It's black and white, it's slavery and Jim Crow and the fact you can't talk about it," Let those who can’t appreciate love without boundaries stay where the times don’t change. Because these days are a lot more diverse. Times will change without them, people will become fearless.

It is a real victory that we so much as have that freedom, there may be opinion and hatred towards those who appreciate a love once taboo, but no matter if it is hidden, if it is held inside ones heart. The fact is that it is still there, and Mayor of NYC has inspired many by presenting his family and his wife with honor. "It's just the resonance of it. How much it means for families to see a family like them in a visible place."



Unknown said...

I liked your article topic because I am very anti prejudice. I do not like racism at all and it should not exist. Anyone should be able to marry who ever they want.

Nicole Jones said...

Hey Uri,
Ahh! This is the dreadful reminder of how far this world has till its' people mature. My Dads black and my Moms white, my whole life I have had this dissonance between who I am, how I was raised, and how the world is. I love your article, and I cannot wait till people can move past skin color.