Friday, October 4, 2013

Blog #3 Due 10/10

This one is pretty straightforward, and it should help you get going on Paper #2.

1. I'd like you to find a review that you want to use as a model. You should NOT choose a review based on your topic/choice: choose something that you admire in terms of approach, style, organization of ideas, tone, etc. You're looking for a template, but you should steer clear of reading reviews on the same show/film/product on which you've chosen to write. Reading professional (and sometimes even amateur) reviews on your own topic can be intimidating and/or too influential: it can be difficult to separate your ideas from those of other reviewers.

2.  I'd like you to link your chosen model review and explain why you chose it. What draws you to this particular piece? Which elements do you feel are affective and why?  

3. Using the intro paragraph of your chosen review as your template, write your intro for your piece. Do your best to mimic your template as closely as possible (i.e., does your review begin with a hook about the acting? Setting? A comparison to a previous film? You do the same.)

I'm really looking forward to seeing what you choose.

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