Saturday, November 3, 2012

Sentence Editing Blog 5

1. “We don’t need to read maps; we get our geography by an officious sounding person who lives in a little window in our dashboard.” This demonstrates the sarcastic tone of the author, and helps her argument about the technology that common items carry.
2. The author tries to persuade the reader by stating that this movie is at the boards of pornography.
3. The author tells you that Henry enjoys life in New York city.
4. -quote- This tells us that it was Henry's choice to play in New York.

Passive Voice
1. In her blog for the Huffington Post, she argues if we are setting our children for failure by raising them with technology.
2. The counter argument says that infidelity can ruin a relationship as well.
3. By reading the comments it can be said that there is a wide range with the readers age and moral standpoints.

1. Are they the ones that will bring us to be like the humans in Pixar's Wall-E?
2. The article written by Andrew O’Hehir is about the film, “Breaking Dawn Part 1”.
3. This article is to bring couples together once more.
4. This choice is coming from parents who what their children to do what they are interested to. 

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