Monday, November 5, 2012

Sentence editing


1) The author expresses a humorous tone stating " We don't need to read maps; we get our geography by an officious sounding person who lives in a little window in our dashboard."

2) The author uses diction to convince the readers the movie is pornographic. 

3) The author uses this quote to express Henry's feelings about living in NY.

4) The author used that quote to prove it was Henry's choice to be in NY.


1) In the Huffington post the author shares an argument stating whether we are or not leading our children to failure with technology.

2) A counter-argument was posted about infidelity ruining relationships.

3) By observing some comments about 'Targetting' its a fact the the range in age proves a spectrum of moral  standpoints. 


1) Is technology taking our responsibilities away?
2) Andrew O'Hehir wrote an article about "Breaking dawn" the fourth film of "Twilight Saga" 
3) In the article infidelity is the point where couples begin to fix there relationship.
4) Parents want children to have the choice to do what they are interested. 

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