Sunday, November 4, 2012

Sentence Editing Blog #5

1. Brilliant advancement in technology facilitates our living. The writer uses humorous tone by means of simile. She said, “We don’t need to read maps; we get our geography by an officious sounding person who lives in a little window in our dashboard.”
2. The reviewer persuades a reader to believe in the movie as almost pornographic because of words and quotes in the review.
3. The author uses quote in order to explain how Henry enjoys his life in New York.
4. The quote implies Henry’s voluntary coming to New York.
1. The writer raises an argument on the Huffington Post, which excessive technology would lead our children to failure regardless of our intend.
2. People posed a counter-argument that an infidelity might ultimately ruin a relationship as well.
3. Someone comments to the targeted readership in accordance with their age and moral standpoints.

1. Is the technology going to make it true that pebble starts a landslide of us like as a hover chair in Pixar’s “WALL-E”?
2. Andrew O’Hehir wrote about the “Breaking Dawn Part 1”, the fourth film of the “Twilight Saga.”
3. The writer described an infidelity not only as an affair but also for couples being made up.
4. Parents want their children to do whatever they are interested.

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