Thursday, September 27, 2012

Blog Post #3 Retorical Analysis

My first one was totally wrong so i just changed everything.

1.- Article
A Brony gathering: SoCal men let their ‘My Little Pony' flag fly
by T.L. Stanley

2.- Summary
This article talks about the unusual behavior from man that usually range from the late teens to the early 20s about liking a show called My Little Pony. Interviews conducted that they attracted by the animation and character development. Some people might see this phenomenon as a unusual thing but it happens often with similar stuff that goes viral, for example: memes. Hasbro and the Hub are aware of this phenomenon happening all around the world and support it.

3.- Rhetorical Strategies
Counterexamples: At the beginning were it says "A raucous gathering at an Anaheim hotel on a recent Saturday night looked like any fanboy mini-convention — about 150 people, mostly guys in their late teens and early 20s, watched animation on big-screen TVs, recited dialogue from memory and jumped out of their seats to cheer for a storied franchise.

But it wasn’t a Marvel superhero, a Christopher Nolan blockbuster or a million-selling video game that had them rapt. It was the rainbow-hued fantasy world of “My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic,” a reboot of a classic kids TV series airing on cable network the Hub, that has found its way into the hearts of an unexpected demographic: adult men." I'm not sure if this could be a counter example or not.

Emotion: The way the writer writes is kind of enthusiastic i think.

Punctuation: I'm not totally sure if this falls into punctuation but she uses a lot of "()""--"

Symbol: "and produce a steady stream of flying-pony-inspired blogs, rock bands, fan art and
YouTube videos.", "At last count, there were nearly 170,000 pieces of fan-created “MLP” art on the online artist collective deviantArt" Well i think this could mean that they don't just like this show but they or this fandom but it could be that they want to be included and share what they like about the show with art, music or videos.

Setting: "A raucous gathering at an Anaheim hotel on a recent Saturday night looked like any fanboy mini-convention" this is were this takes place so it would be the setting.

4.- Explain why you chose this piece.
Well i think it is a big thing just growing and spreading so fat in the internet that i was thinking why not give it a shot. What got my attention was the topic. I would say neither of them, she doesn't necessarily says bad or good stuff she just says that the "bronies" are there and gives a little example of what they do in conventions and stuff.

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