Friday, September 21, 2012

Blog Post #3

On the article "Breaking Dawn Part 1" starts on the morning after the wedding night. Edward cullen (Robert Pattinson) asks Bell Swan ( Kristen Stewart), "how badly are you hurt?" Edward's superhuman strengh has left Bell bruised all over. As a result Edward changes his mind about having sex with Bella anymore and avoids her come ons the rest of the honeymoon, which is on a Brazilian tropical island. Bella pleads with Edward to have sex with her telling him that she is not hurt. Bella discovers that she is pregnant, (which is impossible so they believe), and so Edward believes the child is a demon.The film is sort of pornographic but is disguised by making the roles seem sweet and inocent.
5 rhetorical strategies
"Edward's superhuman and inhuman strength has left Bella covered with bruises".
" Bella digs it, and wants more".
Being a man, albeit an undead one, Edward has second thoughts about the shole thing now that he's gotten what he came for.
There's a startling amount of gore, as well as an overripe, nearly pornographic sensuality, to this PG-13 film - as the direct, if delayed result of her deflowering by Edward.
Bella is impregnated with some kind of succubus-like demon child, which is impervious to the science of humans and vampires alike and poses an intriguing challenge to the pro-life, family - values fantasy universe of "Twilight" author Stephenie Meyer. Does life begin at conception even if it isn't entirely human?
I chose this article because I have seen all four films and read all the books and thought it might be easier to write about something I knew.

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