Saturday, August 25, 2012

A Review on a Review on Bridesmaids

Review Title: Bridesmaids: the raunchy women’s comedy we’ve been waiting for
Author: Dana Stevens

Dana Stevens sums up Bridesmaids as a witty, long-awaited comedy that will keep your attention throughout the entire movie.  The review offers insight on the plot of Bridesmaids as well as the humor found throughout the movie without ruining any of the movie for prospective viewers.  Stevens credits the movies success to the director, Paul Feig, and to the cast (to name a few: Kristen Wiig, Jon Hamm, Maya Rudolph, and Rose Byrne).  I found this review to be quite entertaining and useful for both those who are curious about the movie and for those who share the same love for Bridesmaids as Stevens does.  I chose this review out of other Bridesmaids reviews because of the way I relate to Stevens opinion of the movie---the appreciation of the humor and the want for everyone to see it.  I love the way Stevens finishes her review: “Don't see Bridesmaids because it's your social responsibility...see it because it’s fucking hilarious.”  Put so blunt and so simply, she challenges readers to see the movie for themselves.  If choosing to write a review based off of Steven’s approach on her review for Bridesmaids, I would probably emulate her use of humor throughout her writing; she keeps her writing alive and keeps readers interested.  I like the positivity she keeps throughout her review, continuing to support her point at the beginning that Bridesmaids is a great movie.  Just as Stevens did, I also loved the movie.  I, too, was entertained the entire movie; There was never a scene that wasn’t funny or entertaining.  It was a movie with a good plot, a great cast, and an even better script.  I loved everything about Bridesmaids as there was never a dull moment for me.  I am not the kind of person who likes to watch a movie over and over again, but I have seen Bridesmaids 7 times and am willing to see it an 8th! If you haven’t seen it, I recommend you do.

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