Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Campaign Review

Movie: The Campaign
Reviewer: Owen Glelberman

This review suggests that The Campaign is highly obnoxious, has hilarious moments, and full of scenes that represent American politics today.  The review states that Cam Brady, "a smugly moronic right-wing incumbent trying to hold on to a seat from North Carolina" is now in limbo as to whether he will have his seat in Washington D.C because Marty Huggins "a doofus with no experience" has given into pressure and decided to run himself.  The review is sarcastic and funny - it begins with an overview of the movie in general and then dips into comparing the movie with today's political race. "And it's all about how politics in America has become a money-drenched, media-mad hall of mirrors - and not only corrupt but as prefab as an infomercial. It's about how the whole thing is now a game of charades." Very meta. It then goes on to describe the main characters at their finest, beginning with Cam and his famous saying "America. Jesus. Freedom!" and ending with Marty "Mister Rogers crossed with the Church Lady."

I love the tone, the sarcasm, and the blunt lines that give you a chuckle - "a tour guide who wears awesomely ugly cardigans sweaters." The review doesn't sugarcoat anything, but actually opens your perspective on the happenings of America - sad, but it is true. It highlighted the main points of the movie and runs with it - finding the words and tone to capture those moments to bring the audience in. It was a review on the movie, but it also highlighted truth on the movie scenes as well. It had my attention the whole time.

I have seen the movie and I did find it quite hilarious. Reading this review after seeing the movie, helped open my eyes to parts I may not have picked up on at the time.  Definitely a loud out load movie!

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