Saturday, August 25, 2012

Review of The Addams Family Values Review

Review Title: The Addams Family Values
Author: Jonathon Rosenbaum
Site: Rotten Tomatos

I liked this review because of the way that Rosenbaum wrote it. He described the movie's main points without really giving too much away. When describing the main points he doesnt just blandly write them, but describes it in a way that makes the reader want to watch the movie so they can find out what happens to each of the characters. At the end of the review he sums up the movie as having "...moved into high gear and become one of the funniest, most mean-spirited satirical assaults on sunny American values..." I WOULD use this review as a model because he does a really good job of summarizing the film and giving his opinion without the review being SUPER long and boring or giving a simple good/bad.
I personally love the Addams Family. The show and the movies, from Morticia to Cousin Itt, I Love Them and the way that to them, all of their values and behaviors, are backwards compared to normal society.

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