Friday, August 24, 2012

making waves for those that pile into the boat.

     The instructor had us watch a movie called My Week with Marilyn in it's entirety during my "Acting For the Camera" class.  When it was over, everyone praised this film when asked how they felt about it.  I raised my hand and stated the movie was boring.  Almost everyone in the class was horrified and actually fucking gasped when I said this.  After the class was over, someone told me I was "brave" for saying that.  This is insane to me.  When did differing opinions become so... taboo?  I feel this is the place to talk about this because our class was great for differing opinions and respectful discussion.  Nobody even told me I was wrong, or even made an attempt to address what I said, they reacted as though I just insulted someone's mother by pretending it never happened after the initial gasp.  Anyone have thoughts on this?


Anonymous said...

I think that the peanut gallery should team up and take all of our future courses together.

Amy Bolaski said...

Given the stereo silence in our Lit 120 thus far, I think Roxy is right. Although we did have a few comments on day 2 (though several were Roxy's of course).

My English 100, which is using this blog as well, were rather amused by use of Piranha 3DD as an example of meta discourse (I admitted they might be going home telling friends and family about their weird instructor who talks way too much about vaginas and piranhas (you've gotta see the movie). Nonetheless, there was some response. Feel free to come by Lit 120, Steve, or my 100, and liven things up.

To address your question seriously, I think people are afraid to voice opinions that differ from the majority's because they fear social censure, don't want to "out" their real tastes and opinions lest others find these tastes and opinions lacking, and, particularly in the beginning of a course, don't want to make any waves whatsoever. I could say more but can't at the moment. What say you?

***I miss, miss, MISS our summer course. Bad.