Thursday, August 22, 2013

Blog Post 1

Hello, Everyone!

My name is Ben and this will be my second semester at MiraCosta.

By day, I am a student and live production equipment technician. By night, I am an audio engineer. Later into the night I turn into an iOS developer, student, and music enthusiast/audiophile.

Favorite Audio Console

My favorite bands include The Killers, Great Northern, Radiohead, and The Civil Wars. I'd argue that the mentioned groups sound the best when played from vinyl spinning at 33.3 or 45 rotations per minute. I have an expanding library of vinyl records that started when I discovered my parents' collection of Boston and Journey a handful of years ago. Later, I discovered records from the 30s and 40s of Big Bands and classic jazz. It was then that my ears melted and I recognized my love of vinyl records.
Benny Goodman Orchestra

In my free time, I can usually be found hanging with family and friends or exploring Carlsbad or Encinitas. So far, my favorite stops in Encinitas include Lou's Records, Moonlight beach, and Pannikin Coffee. 

I look forward to engaging in class participation with you all this semester.



Unknown said...

I find your passion for music really interesting, and while I don't carry any talent myself I do find music an integral part of my being. So I'm a bit curious as to what you're aspiring to do after college.

bossenfort said...

I really hope to go into engineering of some sort after college. As of now, I'm looking at electronic engineering or some field of software engineering. Ideally, I'd like to be active in either field as it relates to audio. To me, it'd be really incredible to be able to contribute to a team responsible for engineering mixing consoles that go on tour with bands across the world. There is a lot of pressure and stress in that type of environment, but that's the kind of stress I thrive being under.