Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Blog Post 1

Hello everyone! My name is Jamy and this is my first year at MiraCosta :)
I'm a bit of an introvert but once I get to know someone, I never shut up. One thin you'll learn about me is that I am a total geek. I love videogames, comic books, anime...anything you can think of that's 'white and nerdy' is what I love. And i know I'm not smiling in this picture but I take really bad smiling pictures so yea... bleh :P

I also love cats! I had to beg my dad to let me have one (he dislikes them a lot) and this year for my birthday, I got my wish. Seriously, if I had my way, I'd have 2 or 3 of them by now.  So this is my pretty kitty Toast. She loves stealing from the toaster if you don't get there fast enough, so the name has stuck.  The fact that she's the color of burnt toast also helps quite a bit hahaha :) I love her to bits even though she has a tendency to run up and hug your leg while making dinner. She's a bit of a lazy pants, but she loves being held and snuggled which is what I've always wanted in a cat :D

Not my kitty, but its totally something
I could see myself doing. *cough* *cough*
I'm an avid gamer and have been since I was a little kid watching my mom play The Legend of Zelda. I love just about any type of game though unfortunately have never played on Xbox (shame, I know).  Regardless, I've played A LOT of stuff.  From Megaman to Assassin's Creed, I'm a fan of all genres and platforms. I love having a good conversation about gaming. To me, its not just an expensive hobby (which it most certainly is), it can be another way of telling a story.  Instead of imagining what happens, you can in a sense experience it first hand.  Don't gt me wrong, I love imagination when it comes to storytelling, i just think its a cool visual way of taking you through a story. (seriously though, I love reading. If my hands aren't wrapped around a controller, they're wrapped around a book.)

If you've made it this far, and you're bored....sorry. I rarely get to talk about myself so I'm kind of excited hahaha Here, maybe this will revitalize you:

Are you good? Good. Now this next thing...well its kind of embarrassing. Its not, but people at work poke fun at me for it and call my farmer girl for this but uh... I raise these things:
My turkey girl, Oswald (to be fair, we thought she was
a he when she hatched. or rather, I hoped she was)
I have 9 total :)
One of 7 ducks. This is just back when she
was a little newborn.
You may think this is a duck...
but its a baby goose, of which i have two,
and they are the sweetest things ever!
Of course I have chickens! I have about 25
of these cute fluffballs :)

So....yeah, I have farm birds. Its weird for most people that know me, but they really are awesome pets.  They keep the lawn mowed, they make my breakfast, and they're just fun to be around. Seriously! They run up and perch on your shoulder and eat right out of you hand. They come in all these different sizes and personalities. They are pretty much like any other pet except they lay eggs for you :) So I guess you could say I'm some sort of an animal lover, but hey, who needs labels? :P

So that's basically it...though I suppose that I could add that I dabble in artsy stuff. Drawing and writing are one of my passions, though sadly I have fallen out of my usual writing/drawing rhythm. I sincerely hope I 'fall' back into it.  Particularly because those are two of the things that keep me the most sane so to speak. I also crochet, which is totally a grandma thing (or so I've been told) but its a lot of fun! Where else am I going to find this cute plush of Ezio Auditore da Firenze?!
From the videogame Assassin's
Creed 2. Its tom-boyish good fun. And
it has real facts about ancient Italy!
Say what?!
If you made it to the end, thanks for staying with me! I hope I didn't bore you to death.  There was more I wanted to say, but I figure ts probably more than you all want to read for the beginning of the school year :) 



Amy Bolaski said...

Loved reading this, Jamy.

You know, I do have a tiny all black male kitten who needs a home. He's two weeks old. I'll post a pic. I don't suppose you get to have two cats, right?

Unknown said...

I wish I could! It was hard enough getting my dad to let me have Toasty, otherwise, I would totally love to meet him. :(

Unknown said...

Your kittens are soooo cute!!! I actually play video games (not as often as I used to now that I'm working, school, etc.), but are you into Black Ops?! Ever since the second one came out my brother and I have been hooked on it for awhile. Haha!

Unknown said...

I've only dabbled in Black ops. My brother loves it but I seriously suck at most shooters lol I still like playing them every now and then. I usually have to rely on my brother though :P I love Borderlands though. If you've never played it, you should give it a try in your free time. It is so much fun and it has split screen co-op which makes playing with my brother that much easier hahaha

Nicole Jones said...

Hello Jamy,
wow I am a vegan so it is nice to see someone here is raising chicks, ducks, and turkeys for something other than slaughter! Sorry if that was too blunt?

Anyways, I also love video games (BO1) and I can never get enough anime. I actually started learning Japanese to I could watch without the subtitles. Talk about being a dork! :D hehe yeahh so I hope you enjoy MiraCosta. This is my first year at MCC but my 3rd in a JC. Nice to meet you:)


Unknown said...

Nice to meet you too Nicole! I love my feathery friends and I couldn't see myself getting rid of any of them. They really are the sweetest pets with a personality all their own!

I love anime too! I took two semesters of Japanese at my old school but it didn't stick as well as I thought lol I kind of fell out of live with it about two years ago but Over summer, I got into an anime kick hahaha Do you have a favorite?