Tuesday, July 17, 2012

#4- Dane Manary

UTSanDiego-State Parks
This editorial is about the Salton Sea Recreation Area, a state park that is at risk of being closed down. The author discusses reasons why it should stay open. I chose this because I love the Salton Sea, and didn't know it's endangerment was so dire. The author appeals to logos, employing lots of statistics and facts. I also noticed alliteration in the opening paragraph such as, "Credit concerned" and "uncommon common". All throughout the piece, she uses a pleading tone to explain the benefits of keeping the state park open.

I didn't particularly care for this article, but there are some things that struck me. This editorial proposes the idea of San Diego and Tijuana jointly hosting the Olympic games, a far-fetched idea in my mind. I liked the one-sentence paragraph type thing with, "Think Olympics," and "But difficult does not mean impossible." I don't remember what this strategy is called, but it is effective in striking the reader. There is an appeal to logos with logical reasons why the idea is good.

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