Sunday, July 29, 2012

Blog post #6

Blog #6 My process of writting is more will? Just writting it down whatever comes to my head and after all the points that I think is useful and strong. Then go back and read them out loud so i will know which one sounds the strongest and which one is the weakest. This what builds my outline and orangization skills. I do not what until the last minute if your the type of person like me. that is so a bad ideal. With bad grammar I have dude waiting is not a good Ideal. As soon as I get the assignment I'm a the writting center knocking that assignment out. No sir not this one I Need all the help I can get. I do brainstorm because it helps the orangization of the paper or just gets you a feeling that you have main topics that's Strong. And you feel more comfortable withit and then you can began on your paper. And it's easier to correct because you have everything step by step so you won't get lost. I or mostly do is I identify the main points then go into detail by using examples and life experience it gives the paper a little stant on what your topic is about and I'm to the Point sight forward. Writting always needs somebody to have extra pair of eyes, because it helps to see if you are on the right track and sound good and have fragments. Revising is good because you may have a good paper but just need a little more work on it to make t strong and it's good because you may had forgot something important. and have some suggestions. The hardest paper that I felt was not good for me was the first assignment i did not now how to do a review so that was out of my element. But it was good to know how to write one. And the second one was better because it helps you think out of the box and see how people see your writing in a different way with writting in 2nd person and also 3rd person. And the last one was also great because it about what you think and when we had class disscussions It was funny and entertaining. My suggestion is that may be the summer class was funny and long sometimes but over all I think you have all you cookies in order and your smart because you know what your talking about and sometimes if the class gets lost you do know how to explain it when the class is clam down. Overall the class fun and cool and if I had like English more I would take your class for all type of English.

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