Sunday, July 22, 2012

Blog 5 - A Judges Plea for Medical Marijuana

Blog 5 - A Judge’s Plea for Pot

Summary: This editorial is in The New York Times, written by 62 year old Gustin L. Reichbach, a justice of the State Supreme Court in Brooklyn that was given a 4-6 month death sentence by his doctor when he diagnosed him with pancreatic cancer. He writes this editorial to bring attention to the benefits of medical marijuana in treating symptoms related to chemotherapy like pain, nausea, and loss of appetite. His occupation as a judge and distinguished 40 year career gives his article an automatic appeal to authority. He uses logos and makes an appeal to pathos by making the read feel empathy for his unfortunate situation.

Reaction: I actually find it quite shocking that an article in The New York Times from June 2012 can only repeat the same old stuff about medical cannabis while nothing happens. Nowhere in the article does it state that there are claims and reports out there suggesting that concentrated hemp oil (pioneered by Rick Simpson) in fact shrinks, controls, and even cures most forms of cancer (not just the symptoms associated with conventional treatments). The judge concludes by saying, “Medical science has not yet found a cure, but it is barbaric to deny us access to one substance that has proved to ameliorate our suffering.” But the reason science hasn't found a ‘cure’ is because cannabis has been impossible to research in the United States since 1974 when I believe the cure was initially found ( ).


Anonymous said...

It's very interesting that you chose to post this article. I entirely agree that the scientific community hasn't fully researched the potential health benefits and curable properties of cannabis, but it's very clear why.

The drug companies and the lobbyists for these companies in the United States are among the most largely profitable industries in the WORLD. Going to a more personal level, it is essentially the same reason that new drugs keep being created to "treat" psychiatric disorders when in fact the majority of these drugs exacerbate symptoms and don't "cure" shit--patients are required to be under the care of a psychiatrist and to continue popping these magical pills for LIFE. That isn't a cure, it's a drug addiction. But the point is, so many people make money off of it.

It's no different with the cannabis vs. the medical field. There is a certain amount (billions of dollars) invested in pointless drug "research" and "cure research". All they really want to do is keep you sick enough not to die, but not well enough that you stop giving them your money.

It's disgusting.

Unknown said...

Yea it looks like you have a very good understanding about this topic. I mention some of the things you said in my opinion piece. There are a lot more people making money off of 'cancer research' than people dying from it. So a cure would be bad news

Also you are right on about the legal FDA approved crap that is given to people, but specially kids with ADD/ADHD. School districts harass parents about getting their kids drug addicted to stuff like Adderall and Ritalin to make it easier for teachers to deal with them, its evil.