Thursday, July 12, 2012

Also on Netflix Streaming (probably for arthouse film fans only) . . .

 . . . but give it a chance.

This is a scene from one of my favorite films -- ever. The Girl on the Bridge is about the complex relationship between a knife thrower and his target, a beautiful, broken girl (Johnny Depp's longtime love (now ex?) Vanessa Paradis). 

So the scene's a bit risque for the youngsters in class, but it contains no nudity, no foul language, and no spoilers here. It's just a gorgeous, lush and erotic film (it's also in black and white and sub-titled, but seriously -- it's not distracting). Everyone who's ever watched this on recommendation has loved it (though I'm guessing that record's about to be broken, should anyone choose to watch it). Now do your work!

 . . . and a scene introducing Adele (said beautiful, broken girl) as she discusses her version of happily ever after with a therapist. It's oddly funny and endearing and sort of perfect.

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